Dear Zuikertuintje shoppers,Monday May 2ndZuikertuintje is closed for Labor Day. zuikertuintje #curacao
Latest News
Zuikertuintje Easter Zelebration
Zuikertuintje Easter Kidz ZelebrationSaturday April 16th from 12 noon till 4 pmSave the date to enjoy this day at Zuikertuintje...
The New Royal Beetle Club at Zuikertuintje
The New Royal Beetle Club had a successful event last Sunday March 27th, 2022 at Zuikertuintje. Zuikertuintje is always open...
Visit the new location of Onix
Visit the new location of ONIX at Zuikertuintje Click here for: Floorplan onix #newlocation #zuikertuinmall #zuikertuintje #open #shopping #curacao #shoe...
Zuikertuintje is closed for Carnival Monday
Dear Zuikertuintje shoppers,Monday February 28thZuikertuintje is closed for Carnival Monday. zuikertuintje #zuikertuinmall #curacao
Penha at Zuikertuin Mall is temporarily closed for renovations
[NOTICE] Please note that Penha at Zuikertuin Mall is temporarily closed for renovations. Penha invites you to come shop with...
Congratulations to all the winners of the Zuikertuintje end-of-year campaign.
Congratulations to all the winners of the Zuikertuintje end-of-year campaign. #zuikertuinmall #zuikertuintje #endofyearcampaign #winners #curacao #shopping #win #vwgol #vw #gol...