Wil je tips en trucs hoe je het best je kantoor kan opruimen ? Kom zaterdag 4 februari van 14.00...
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Congratulations to all the winners of the Zuikertuintje end-of-year campaign.
Congratulations to all the winners of the Zuikertuintje end-of-year campaign. #zuikertuinmall #zuikertuintje #endofyearcampaign #winners #curacao #shopping #win #vwvirtus #vw #virtus...
Drawing Day Saturday January 28th. The drawing will take place at 4 PM.
Drawing Day Saturday January 28th. The drawing will take place at 4 PM. Enjoy this day with different fun kids...
Zuikertuintje is open on Monday October 10th (10-10 DIA DI PAIS KORSOU)
Zuikertuintje is open on Monday October 10th10-10 DIA DI PAIS KORSOU Meet & Greet with Pikachu FREE POPCORN for the...
Saturday October 1stDIA DI KULTURA FUN KIDS EVENTMany fun kids activities from 1PM till 5PMDo not miss out! A fun...
Back to school event Saturday August 6th
Saturday August 6thBACK TO SCHOOL EVENTMany fun kids activitiesDo not miss out! A fun day of activities and shopping #zuikertuintje...
Top1Toys workshop June 25th
Kom naar de winkel en schrijf je in voor een GRATIS workshop😃❗️LET OP – Maximaal aantal in te schrijven: 10...